A: Documentation of my prototyping process

Creation of a Low Fi Prototype of the running app out of the paper prototype.

Step 1: Placing the individual features and functions on the respective screens

Step 2: Finding a suitable colour palette, font and font size for my Figma prototype.

Step 3: Once all the functions and features had been implemented, I started to design the individual screens.

Step 4: I made the prototype clickable so that it could be used for the user testing.

Final Version (before Version)


Link to Figma: https://www.figma.com/file/mcNn2LeUgiaeMqhn66AQj1/BTP_Assignment-2?type=design&node-id=0%3A1&mode=design&t=YcaJxVQOSECZQX7U-1

WC Screen.png

Choose Sports.png