A: Documentation of my prototyping process

Introduction: Creating a hi-fi clickable prototype including different features functions.

Step 1: Set up Figma with moodboard colours, components for font sizes and types for headings, body text, etc.

Step 2: I applied the findings from the wireframing test, prioritised them and implemented them digitally in Figma for my hi-fi prototype.

Step 3: Once all the functions and features had been roughly implemented, I started to design the individual screens on a Hi-Fi level.

Step 4: Made the prototype clickable

Final Version (before Version)

I record the final version as a video with comments (turn on the speaker).


Link to Figma: https://www.figma.com/file/gHn8z8H9y8lY9Ec2rsBGuZ/Festival-App?type=design&node-id=0%3A1&mode=design&t=U9T9OiFllJ7IWuzq-1

Reflective conclusion on the prototype

Creating a hi-fi prototype was a new challenge as I had previously only created low-fi prototypes in Figma. Component creation and preparation in Figma was crucial and using the mirror function on my smartphone made it easier to accurately assess font and image size.

Sources of pictures and icons for the prototype
